Tuesday, September 21, 2010

our dome~R&B DOME

Salam to all readers,
How is your today?
I hope it is just nice and fine day~ :-)

For our next assignment in RAG 132, we must form a three-members group, and for our group's name-

Why we chose that name to represent our group?Actually, as for your information( the readers who is non-HBP people), we are now have an assignment based on ~2012 The End of The World!.Specifically there will terrible-incredible disaster will happen in 21 December 2012! Have you been watch 2012 movie?(actually I never watch it yet!) but from what I heard it is tell a story about what will happen 2012. Honestly, me myself 99% believe that it is just a MYTH!

I have read an article from the NASA stated that 2012 is not the end of the world!Maybe you can see through http://2012era.com
But it is better to be prepared, right?
Malay quotes says -Prepare the umbrella before it is rain(or Sediakan Payung Sebelum Hujan)

But what I believe 100% is we are now in the Final-Year World(Dunia Akhir Zaman)
Rasulullah SAW said that when he is sent to the people as the Last Messenger(Nabi Terakhir) to lead them to worship The Only One God, ALLAH SWT THE ALMIGHTY and the real path of life that is ISLAM, the time it is happen with the End Of The World(Hari Kiamat) is just like the distance between the 2nd finger(Jari manis)and 3rd finger(Jari Hantu). Just realise how close it is!!!!

Ok, back to my assignment part.
 Why we chose 2012 Recruits because we think we are one of the people who work to find out the way how to face 2012 Disaster. Not only, in aspect of time, money, effort but also we are giving our idea(buah fikiran) to create a fasilities, equipment or gadget that could protect and at the same time could provide food, drinks, clothes, medical assistance and etc.

The main material to buld it is by using BAMBOO.
Why not timber, aluminium or maybe iron?

"A typical bamboo has a tensile strength of 28,000 per square inch vs. 23,000 for steel. That makes it one of the strongest materials in the world when it comes to tension structure"(Taken from http://lib.store.yahoo.net/lib/bamboowall/bamboofacts)

That could proved why bamboo become the main material used in making PONDOK and IBU.
How about the criteria or requirement of the dome?
Actually, we are asked to build a dome but then one of my friends asked can we build not assemblelike a dome?yes!so we decide to make it more like a raft!
Beside that, it must could float all the group members and carryable by them also.
Then, is must be can be assembled in 30 minutes, and has life-span of 28 months!huh,what a long day!

For our group, we just use about 8 bamboos about 12 feet for the base and small bamboo for the upper part of the raft!And for the roof, we used use about 2x1.5 meter..called R&B DOME(RAFT -BAMBOO DOME) not rock and ballads one,k!

Today is the testing day, at the swimming pool!For sure, there will be frightened-like feeling felt by all, esp those who can not swim!(ya,just like me)

Wish all luck to my group and also all my friends with their dome float them safely!
Most importantly, no one is drowning!InsyaAllah..


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